The Story

“What did I just eat???” My dear friend Elli inquired of me over the phone one evening. She did the “pick up and drop off” run from our daughters’ horseback riding that night, so I did the “cook dinner for you to go” end of the deal and sent her home with a hot meal.

“Greek spaghetti.” No big deal.

“I wanted to lick my plate. You should do something with this.” Apparently, a big deal.

It got me thinking that maybe I had taken this dish for granted. Greek spaghetti was a staple in my house. I was used to it and comforted by it, both as a child growing up and as the head of my own household. Over time, as my own, personal version evolved, it got rave reviews from people who dined with us. Something I enjoyed weekly, they had never had in their lives and were, like Elli, plate-lickingly amazed.

At that time, I realized this must be something special. Something truly unique. After all, go to any grocery store and take a short stroll down the ethnic foods aisle. There’s spaghetti sauce every which way...but Greek.

So, I got the ball rolling to move this Grecian delight out of my kitchen and into yours.

The company is named after my grandmother and namesake. When she wasn’t working hard serving others as a nurse, she was home serving up good Greek food to her family.

You’ve had Italian spaghetti of every variety and combination under the sun. Now you can have spaghetti with an Opa!

Welcome to Nicoletta’s Greek Kitchen.

Photographed: Yaya, Nicoletta with her son & my father, Benjamin.